Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Mail Call

SOTD: Tuesday February 28, 2017

Razor: Timeless Razor (.94 Blade Gap, Barberpole Handle)
Blade: Timor (2nd use)
Brush: DeLuxe Shaving Co. 30MM Silvertip Badger
Soap: Barrister & Mann Seville
Aftershave Balm: The Stray Whisker After Balm 
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 10/10, BBS with three passes and buffing. The large tub B&M comes in is perfect for this large brush. None of these items disappoint.

Monday, February 27, 2017

SOTD: Sunday February 26, 2017

Razor: Timeless Razor (.94 Blade Gap, Barberpole Handle) 
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (2nd use)
Bowl: Jay's Clay 
Brush: St. James of London Badger
Soap: Barbershop Poivre Rosé from The Shaving Shop
Aftershave: Barbershop Poivre Rosé from The Shaving Shop
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 9.5/10, inaugural use of the razor, and WOW! Extremely efficient after each pass there was significant whisker reduction, with little or no buffing needed. The mirror finish is is by far better on this razor than any other razor I own-a piece of art.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Mail Call

SOTD: Saturday February 25, 2017

Razor: Merkur 34C
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (1st use)
Brush: Maggard Synthetic 22MM in Bronze
Soap: Stirling Soap Co. Sharp Dressed Man 
Aftershave: Stirling Soap Co. Sharp Dressed Man
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 10/10, smooth and hot the sweet spot between a DFS and BBS. Smooth post feel. A good workout opening up the pores always seems to be a good prep. An elderly gentleman took a minute to watch me load the brush and start the shave. I guess sometimes you forget how much a lost art this is we all partake in. — at 24 Hour Fitness - Taylorsville, UT.

SOTD: Friday February 24, 2017

Razor: Parker Variant  (setting 5)
Blade: Souplex (3rd use)
Brush: DeLuxe Shaving Co. 30 MM Silvertip Badger
Cream: Taylor of Old Bond Street Coconut 
Aftershave Balm: Lebelle Soaps Coconut Island
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 10/10, my faith in lathering with a badger brush has been restored with a little patience and extra water.

Friday, February 24, 2017

SOTD: Thursday February 23, 2017

Razor: Fendrihan Stainless Steel 
Blade: Souplex (2nd use)
Bowl: Jay's Clay
Brush: St. James of London Badger
Cream: Mr. Taylor's from Taylor of Old Bond Street
Aftershave Balm: Mr. Taylor's from Taylor of Old Bond Street
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 7.5/10, issues loading and building a lather. I am a huge TOBS fan, but I have moved mostly to synthetics and loading and lathering requires little effort. I'll chalk this up to losing technique and patience on my part. One weeper, and the shave still wasn't close enough.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

SOTD: Wednesday February 22, 2017

Razor: Alumigoose from Mongoose Razors
Blade: Feather Super Professional (4th use)
Bowl: Jay's Clay
Brush: St James of London Badger
Cream: Truefitt& Hill Almond
Aftershave: Mr Taylor's from Taylor of Old Bond Street 
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 8/10, shave was smooth, close, and had a great post shave feel. Marked the shave down, because the lather was thin by the third pass despite a good amount of cream being used. Badgers being the lather hogs they are keep me being a fan of synthetics.

New Brush Taking It's Place Among the Badgers

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Mail Call

SOTD: Tuesday February 21, 2017

Razor: Blackbird from Blackland Razors
Blade: Souplex (1st use)
Brush: Maggard Synthetic 22MM in Black
Soap: Lebelle Soaps Coconut Island
Aftershave Balm: Lebelle Soaps Coconut Island
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 9.5/10, this is a soap we don't see a lot in SOTD's, which is a shame because it is one the best soaps when it comes to loading and lathering. If you're a fan of coconut, this is a must.

Monday, February 20, 2017

SOTD: Monday February 20, 2017

Razor: Blackbird from Blackland Razors
Blade: Super-Max (2nd use)
Brush: Magyars Synthetic 22MM in Bronze
Soap: Reef Point Soaps Classic Barbershop 
Aftershave: Reef Point Soaps Classic Barbershop 
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 9.5/10, Reef Point Soaps is an underrated artisan for sure. The aftershave has one hell of a kick to it.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

SOTD: Sunday February 19, 2017

Razor: Parker Variant (Setting 5)
Blade: Super-Max (1st use)
Brush: Omega Boar Hair 
Soap: Jack Dean from Denman
Aftershave Balm: Jack Dean from Denman
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 9/10, achieved DFS, although I did try this shave without my usual buffing. I would describe the scent on the soap as lemongrass, and does take a little work to load (with a boar brush anyway). Lather quality and slickness are decent, but the selling point with this and the matching balm is the post shave feel. 

Saturday, February 18, 2017

SOTD: Saturday February 18, 2017

Razor: Blackbird from Blackland Razors
Blade: Personna Red (3rd use)
Bowl: Jay's Clay 
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft 
Soap: RazoRock Don Marco 
Aftershave: RazoRock Don Marco
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 9.5/10, I pulled more soap than needed out of the tub, and whipped up one hell of a lather in the bowl. I can best describe the scent on Don Marco as reminding me of an orange dreamsicle. As far as the Blackbird goes, after 13 months of owning this, I can safely say this is my top DE razor. It is a consistent performer, the quality build, and unique design on the head, plate and handle make me a fanboy.

Friday, February 17, 2017

SOTD: Friday February 17, 2017

Razor: Merkur Futur (setting 4.5)
Blade: Personna Red (2nd use)
Bowl: Jay's Clay
Brush: Maggard Synthetic 22MM in Bronze
Cream: Taylor of Old Bond Street Coconut
Aftershave Balm: The Stray Whisker After Balm 
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 9.5/10, very few hairs left behind.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

SOTD: Thursday February 16, 2017

Razor: Blackbird by Blackland
Blade: Personna Red (1st use)
Brush: Maggard Synthetic 22MM Bronze
Soap: Sapone Di Paolo Cremoso
Aftershave Balm: Sapone Di Paolo Cremoso
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 10/10, soap loaded easily and performed well. 
This combination of coconut and vanilla is superb. A couple hours later, the post still feels great, no nicks, weepers and BBS, even on problem areas on neck.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

SOTD: Wednesday February 15, 2017

Razor: The Claymore from Executive Shaving
Blade: Feather Super Professional (3rd use)
Brush: Maggard Synthetic 22MM in Black
Soap: Reef Point Soaps Classic Barbershop 
Aftershave: Reef Point Soaps Classic Barbershop 
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 9.5/10, great barbershop scent and performance on the soap. The razor performs well, and is somewhat aggressive compared to the Mongoose or General. As far as aesthetics go there are noticeable markings on the head on the one I purchased, but in the flip side the satin finish looks nice.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

SOTD: Tuesday February 14, 2017

Razor: Alumigoose from Mongoose Razors
Blade: Feather Super Professional (2nd use)
Brush: Omega Boar Hair 
Soap: R&B Orange and Yuuge! Special Edition
Aftershave: Lucky Tiger After Shave and Face Tonic
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 10/10, this was the best shave ever. I build the best lathers, and Mexico will pay for all my soaps. 

I am not a Trump supporter in the slightest, but I would never sever a friendship over political differences. We need to return to civil dialogue and intellectual debate in this country.

Monday, February 13, 2017

SOTD: Monday February 13, 2017

Razor: Above the Tie Kronos R2 Plate
Blade: Bolzano (3rd use)
Brush: Vulfix Pure Badger
Soap: Beehive Soap and Body Care LLC Bay Rum
Aftershave: Clubman Pinaud Bay Rum
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 9.5/10, achieved BBS on face, and DFS on neck.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

SOTD: Sunday February 12, 2017

Razor: Alumigoose from Mongoose Razors
Blade: Feather Super Professional (1st use)
Brush: Vulfix Pure Badger
Soap: Beehive Soap and Body Care LLC Bay Rum
Aftershave: Clubman Pinaud Bay Rum
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 10/10, I always forget how efficient this razor is (especially with these blades). This defines the term "mild but efficient." Smooth all around. The soap is a great performer from a local artisan, and it loads very easily. I love the scent, and Bay Rum is usually hit or miss for me depending on the artisan. I am not the biggest fan of Pinaud's Bay Rum (although I love the original aftershave), but I don't mark down on scents considering scent is subjective.

Find at My Local Grocer (Harmon's, Taylorsville, UT)

Saturday, February 11, 2017

SOTD: Saturday February 11, 2017

Razor: Blackbird from Blackland Razors
Blade: Bolzano (2nd use)
Bowl: Jay's Clay
Brush: Cremo Branded with Vie-Long 
Cream: Cremo Lathering Shave Cream Sandalwood
Aftershave Balm: Floïd 
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 9/10, I still had the issue with the dissipating lather despite trying to work it in my bowl, but performance is not an issue. There is enough residual slickness for a close shave. Great scent, close shave, and good post feel.

SOTD: Friday February 10, 2017

Razor: Mühle R89
Blade: Bolzano (1st use)
Brush: Cremo with Vie-Long Horse Hair 🐴 
Cream: Cremo Lathering Sandalwood (from Target)
Aftershave Balm: The Stray Whisker After Balm
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 9/10, smooth and in that area of a socially acceptable shave. My first impressions of the cream was how awesome the  scent was, and generally I am not a huge fan of sandalwood. Now the lather dissipates rather quickly, but before everyone freaks out, it is plenty slick and not a problem, and if I remember right this common with the original Cremo formula. This also could be user error considering it's my first use of the cream, and trying to find the right water to cream ratio.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

New Goods at My Local Target

SOTD: Wednesday February 8, 2017

Razor: RazoRock Wunderbar
Blade: Gillette Wilkinson Sword (2nd use)
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft 
Soap: RazoRock Don Marco
Aftershave: RazoRock Don Marco 
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 10/10, BBS, smooth, no weepers, no creepers, and a great scent that reminds me of an orange dreamsicle.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

SOTD: Tuesday February 7, 2017

Razor: 1959 Gillette Fatboy
Blade: Gillette Wilkinson Sword (1st use)
Brush: Maggard Synthetic 22MM Bronze
Soap: Tabac (in production since 1959 coincidentally) 
Aftershave: Tabac 
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 10/10, BBS and great post feel despite the subjective and polarizing scent.

SOTD: Monday February 6, 2017

Razor: Parker Variant (setting 5.5)
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock (3rd use)
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft Synthetic 
Soap: RazoRock Santal Royale 
Aftershave: RazoRock Santal Royale 
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 8/10, even on a higher setting and three passes I still have stubble. Time to toss the blade.

Monday, February 6, 2017

SOTD: Sunday February 5, 2017

Razor: 1959 Gillette Fatboy (setting 9, subsequent passes settings 8 and 5)
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock (2nd use)
Bowl: Jay's Clay
Brush: Maggard Synthetic 22MM Bronze
Soap: The Shaving Shop Barbershop Poivre Rosé
Aftershave: The Shaving Shop Barbershop Poivre Rosé
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 10/10, awesome scent and that sweet spot between BBS and DFS.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

SOTD: Saturday February 4, 2017

Razor: The Ambassador from Fendrihan 
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock (1st use)
Brush: Maggard Synthetic 24MM Marble
Cream: Taylor of Old Bond Street Lemon & Lime 🍋 
Aftershave Balm: The Stray Whisker After Balm
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 8/10, required some buffering and touch up. I love TOBS, but the L&L is not my favorite scent, and I had to make a point to use it this morning. Other than that post feels great, and no weepers. Anyone looking for an affordable stainless steel razor might want to look into this one.

SOTD: Friday February 3, 2017

Razor: The General from Colonial Razors
Blade: Feather Super Professional 6th use)
Brush: Omega Boar Hair
Soap: Reef Point Soaps Classic Barbershop 
Aftershave: Reef Point Soaps Classic Barbershop
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 9/10, close and smooth shave.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

SOTD: Wednesday February 2, 2017

Razor: Blackbird from Blackland Razors
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (3rd use)
Bowl: Jay's Clay
Brush: Maggard Synthetic 22MM Bronze
Soap: Jeeves of Hudson Street Cranberry Pomegranate (Sample)
Aftershave Balm: The Stray Whisker After Balm
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 9.5/10, great scent and decent performance.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

SOTD: Wednesday February 1, 2017

Razor: Fendrihan Stainless Steel Ambassador 
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (2nd use)
Brush: Vulfix Pure Badger
Soap: Soap Commander Honor
Aftershave Balm: Soap Commander Honor
Comments/Overall Thoughts: 9.5/10, post shave on this is amazing. SC balms never leave you with a greasy feel. First use of the Fendrihan razor, and it was extremely efficient.