Thursday, February 28, 2019

Shave of the Day: Thursday February 28, 2019 and Friday March 1, 2019

Razor: Brass Blackbird 
Blade: Personna Blue (1st use)
Brush: Rich Man Shaving, Motherload Knot 
Soap: Strike Gold Shave Taft
Aftershave: Strike Gold Shave Taft

It’s finally here.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Shave of the Day: Tuesday February 26, 2019

Razor: Hone Type 15
Blade: Personna Med Prep (4th use)
Brush: Vintage Ever-Ready 
Soap: D.R. Harris Marlborough 
Aftershave: D.R. Harris Marlborough

Although not the easiest to lather with a decent amount of loading D.R. Harris will do the trick. The sharp med preps counter balanced the mild and smooth Hone Type 15 quite well.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Shave of the Day: Saturday February 23, 2019 and Sunday February 24, 2019

Razor: Rod George Catacomb 
Blade: Personna Med Prep (2nd and 3rd use)
Brush: Turn-N-Shave “Wicked”
Aftershave Balm:

I wish I discovered med preps sooner. Sharp, rigid and long lasting (a similar experience to Kai blades) although not as smooth as Personna’s “blue” and “red” blades.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Shave of the Day: Thursday February 21, 2019

Razor: Karve C Plate 
Blade: Polsilver (6th use )
Brush: Saw Dust Creation “Caramel Latte” 
Soap: Wholly Kaw Monoco Royale
Aftershave: Wholly Kaw Monoco Royale

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Shave of the Day: Tuesday February 19, 2019 and Wednesday February 20, 2019

Razor: Karve Shaving Chris Bradley Razor (C Plate, 3.5” handle)
Blade: Polsilver (4th and 5th use)
Brush: Frank Shaving Two Band 24mm
Soap: Williams Mug Soap 
Aftershave Balm: Nivea Cooling

Williams did the trick. How the f**k do people struggle with this?

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Shave of the Day: Sunday February 17, 2019 and Monday February 18, 2019

Razor: Rod George Catacomb 
Blade: Polsilver (2nd use and 3rd use)
Brush:  Rich Man Shaving with Motherload Knot 
Soap: Ariana & Evans Barbiere Sofisticato
Aftershave: Ariana & Evans Barbiere Sofisticato

Chark Week
This combo just nailed it. Slickness, glide, lather consistency, sheen and post feel being the high points. Hands down of my my top three soap bases. The razor’s highlights are it’s craftsmanship and the coating Rod used on the head which also aids with the glide. Ideal weight and balance too. This knot is in a league of its own when it comes to synthetics. Probably the most pillowy soft knot I have and it retains water more so than most synthetics.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Shave of the Day: Saturday February 16, 2019

Razor: Blackland Blackbird 
Blade: Perma-Sharp (1st use)
Brush: Saw Dust Creations “Caramel Latte”
Aftershave Balm:

Shave of the Day: Friday February 15, 2019

Razor: Karve C Plate 
Blade: Polsilver (4th or 5th use)
Brush: Saw Dust Creations “Caramel Latte”
Soap: Lakewood Soap Mr. Powell’s Mellow Honey Mash 
Aftershave Balm: Lakewood Soap Mr. Powell’s Mellow Honey Mash 

Haven’t been active in the forums lately but how could I miss Lakewood week?

Monday, February 11, 2019

Shave of the Evening: Wednesday February 6, 2019

Razor: Parker Variant (restored by Delta Echo)
Blade: Polsilver 
Brush: Saw Dust Creations “Caramel Latte”
Aftershave Balm:

This has been my setup for most of this week. My ex-gf has came to stay a few days so I don’t have the luxury of having various soaps all over my bathroom counter.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Shave of the Day: Sunday February 3, 2019 and Monday February 4, 2019

Razor: Rod George Catacomb Handle, Maggard Head 
Blade: Polsilver(1st use)
Brush: That Darn Rob “Old Cahaba”
Soap: Lakewood Soap Mr. Powell’s Mellow Honey Mash 
Aftershave Balm: Lakewood Soap Mr. Powell’s Mellow Honey Mash 

I could just drink this. The notes come perfectly together.